Welcome to Dyslexia Bedfordshire; a private 1:1 tuition, coaching & assessment service.
Offering specialist tuition and coaching support for individuals of any age with a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD):
Dyslexia (literacy)
Dyscalculia (mathematics)
Non SpLD support for individuals who have fallen behind their peers for any number of reasons.
Diagnostic assessments **online booking and price plans now available.**
Exam Access Arrangements
ADHD Screening test (QbCheck) - Ages 7+ to support onward referral for medical diagnosis.
Identification of DCD (adults only) which can support onward referral
It is estimated that 1 in 10 people within the UK have dyslexia. Most people assume that this affects reading, writing and spelling. It also can effect organisation, memory and sequencing.
Dyscalculia is a SpLD with numeracy. Learners can find it difficult to grasp foundation skills in numeracy which requires specific and repeated remediation using kineasthetic methods.
Dysgraphia is a SpLD which affects written expression. Generally, written work is poor to illegible. The learner may have difficulties transferring thoughts to paper and organising sequences.
DCD/Dyspraxia affects fine and/or gross motor coordination. It may also affect speech. Learners may require support to plan, organise, and carryout the sequence of movement required for a task.
Learners with ADHD require learning to be in short focused activities with multisensory elements which support attention and engagement.